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陈高健本科与硕士毕业于苏州大学,主修化学教育以及高分子化学与物理,其后,在英国华威大学 (University of Warwick) 获得化学博士学位。毕业后,在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales)以及香港中文大学从事博士后研究工作。曾获Overseas Research Scholarships Award、Warwick Postgraduate Research Fellowship、ARC APD Fellowship等奖项,回国后获得教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目及参与国家自然科学基金重点项目等多个高分子合成及应用相关课题。受邀在Wiley、Springer等出版的多个专著中撰写章节,并多次受邀在全国高分子学术论文报告会、美国化学会、英国皇家化学会、日本高分子学会年会等国内外会议作特邀报告。目前主要研究领域包括含糖聚合物、表界面聚合改性以及功能性高分子材料的合成制备。
1. Zhang, H., Heng, X., Yang, H., Rao, Y., Yao, L., Zhu, Z., Chen, G., Chen, H. (2024). Metal‐Free Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization to Prepare Recylable Micro-Adjuvants for Dendritic Cell Vaccine. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202402853.
2. Guo, J., Wang, S., Yu, Z., Heng, X., Zhou, N., Chen, G. (2024). Well-Defined Oligo(azobenzene- graft -mannose): Photostimuli Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Immune Effect Regulation. ACS Macro Letters, 13(3), 273–279.
3. Yang, H., Yao, L., Wang, Y., Chen, G., Chen, H. (2023). Advancing cell surface modification in mammalian cells with synthetic molecules. Chemical Science, 14(46), 13325–13345.
4. Heng, X., Feng, R., Zhu, L., Yu, L., Chen, G., Chen, H. (2022). Dendritic cells maturation facilitated by group-adjustable lipopolysaccharide analogues synthesized via RAFT polymerization. Chinese Chemical Letters, 33(9), 4331–4334.
5. Yu, L., Feng, R., Zhu, L., Hao, Q., Chu, J., Gu, Y., Luo, Y., Zhang, Z., Chen, G., Chen, H. (2020). Promoting the activation of T cells with glycopolymer-modified dendritic cells by enhancing cell interactions. Science Advances, 6(47), eabb6595.
6. Luo, Y., Gu, Y., Feng, R., Brash, J., Eissa, A. M., Haddleton, D. M., Chen, G., Chen, H. (2019). Synthesis of glycopolymers with specificity for bacterial strains via bacteria-guided polymerization. Chemical Science, 10(20), 5251–5257.
1. Feng, K., Hu, J., & Chen, G. (2021). Surface Immobilized Glycopolymers. In J. Barchi (Ed.), Comprehensive Glycoscience (2nd ed., 346–369). Elsevier.
2. Zhang, W., Chen, K. & Chen, G. (2016) Thiol-Based “Click” Chemistry for Macromolecular Architecture Design, in S. Chandrasekaran (Ed.), Click Reactions in Organic Synthesis (255-285). Wiley-VCH.
3. Li, X., Zhang, W., & Chen, G. (2016). Synthesis of Non-spherical Glycopolymer-Decorated Nanoparticles: Combing Thiol-ene with Catecholic Chemistry. In X. L. Sun (Ed.), Macro-Glycoligands. Methods in Molecular Biology (149–155). Springer.
4. Zhao, Y., Chen, G. & Chen G. (2015). Self-Assembly of Glycopolymers: From Nano-Objects to Hydrogels. In C. R. Becer & L. Hartmann (Ed.), Glycopolymer Code: Synthesis of Glycopolymers and their Applications (178-195). The Royal Society of Chemistry.
5. Pearson, S., Chen, G., & Stenzel, M. H. (2011). Synthesis of Glycopolymers. In R. Narain (Ed.), Engineered Carbohydrate-Based Materials for Biomedical Applications (1–118). John Wiley & Sons.