
Allan S. Hoffman教授学术报告

Allan S. Hoffman教授学术报告


1. History of Polymers in Medical Implants and Devices

2. History of "Smart" Hydrogels


报告地点:博彩平台 9071101


Allan S. Hoffman, PhD
Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington

Professor Hoffman studied at M.I.T., where he received BS, MS, and ScD degrees in Chemical Engineering between 1953 and 1957. He taught on the faculty of the Chemical Engineering Department at M.I.T. for a total of ten years, and for the past 40 years he has been Professor of Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA.


Some of his activities, awards and recognitions have included:

•President of the Society for Biomaterials (US) (1983-84)
•Clemson Award of the Society for Biomaterials (US) (1984)
•Biomaterials Science Prize of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials (1990)
•Founders' Award of the Society for Biomaterials (US) (2000)
•Chandra Sharma Award of the Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs of India (2003)
•Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering (2005)
•International Recognition Award of the Society for Polymer Science, Japan (2006)
•Founders' Award of the Controlled Release Society (2007)
•Founding Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers (AIMBE); International College of Fellows, Biomaterials Societies; and Controlled Release Society, USA
•Honorary Professorships awarded at Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, (2004); Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, (2005); Kyungpook National University (WCU Distinguished Prof.), Daegu, Korea, (2009); and Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, (2010)

