
Coordination Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Nano-Cages: Design, Modulation and Catalysis
报告题目:Coordination Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Nano-Cages: Design, Modulation and Catalysis

孙庆福,男,1983 10 月生,博士。2005 年本科毕业于聊城大学,2008 年硕士毕业于中国人民大学,2011 9 月在东京大学获得应用化学专业博士学位并进行了短暂的博士后研究工作。在日期间曾获得日本学术振兴会青年科学家项目的资助,并荣获2010 年中国留学基金委优秀自费留学生奖学金。2012 2 月赴美国能源部资助下的劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室及加州大学伯克利分校进行了另一站博士后研究。2013 9 月以中科院海西研究院百人计划引进到福建物质结构研究所工作,任结构化学国家重点实验室研究员,课题组长。2014 年,中组部第五批青年千人计划获得者。孙博士主要从事超分子仿生自组装及超分子催化等方面的研究,研究成果发表在ScienceNature ChemistryAngewJACS等刊物上。
Chemists are often inspired by the spontaneous and precise assembly of multiple protein subunits into giant well-defined functional superstructures. Metal-directed coordination self-assembled systems offer a controllable platform on a molecular level toward mimicking such biological process. Using this strategy, a series of giant host molecules have been successfully synthesized and characterized, including an unprecedented spherical M24L48 rombicuboctahedral nano-cage. Molecular level studies on these artificial multi-component self-assembled systems offers mechanistic insights into the massive biological self-assembly phenomena. Moreover, these artificial supramolecular hosts with confined inner space served as nanovessels for highly selective and efficient catalytic transformations. In this talk, we will discuss the design principles for the metal-directed coordination self-assembly, the reversible structural modulation based on a post-synthetic modification method, along with the enzymatic catalysis using a supramolecular M4L6 tetrahedral cage.

1)     Qing-Fu Sun, Junji Iwasa, Dachi Ogawa, Yoshitaka Ishido, Sota Sato, Tomoji Ozeki, Yoshihisa Sei, Kentaro Yamaguchi, and Makoto Fujita*. “Self-assembled M24L48 polyhedra and their sharp structural switch upon subtle ligand variation”. Science 328, 1144-1147, 2010.
2)     Qing-Fu Sun, Sota Sato, and Makoto Fujita*. “An M18L24 stellated cuboctahedronthrough post-stellation of an M12L24 core”. Nature Chemistry 4, 330–333, 2012.
3)     Qing-Fu Sun, Takashi Murase, Sota Sato, and Makoto Fujita*. “A sphere-insphere complex by orthogonal self-assembly”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 10318-10321,2011.
4)     Shu-Yan Yu*, Qing-Fu Sun, Terence Kwok-Ming Lee, Eddie Chung-Chin Cheng, Yi-Zhi Li*, and Vivian Wing-Wah Yam*. “Au36 crown: metal-metal bonding interaction directed macrocyclization”. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47, 4449-4554, 2008.