
Professor Akira Hirao系列学术报告
报告题目一:Anionic polymerization: Living polymerization and precise synthesis toward molecular architectures
报告地点: 苏州大学独墅湖校区606号楼6205
报告时间: 2014年516日(星期五),上午10:10-12:00(第3-4节课)
报告题目二:Anionic polymerization: Fundamentals, molecular design and synthesis of block, graft, star, and dendrimer-like hyperbranched polymers
报告地点: 苏州大学独墅湖校区907号楼1101
报告时间: 2014年519日(星期一),晚上6:00-8:30

平尾明教授,高分子化学家。1947年生于日本德岛(Tokushima),1975年东京工业大学化工系博士毕业,1975.10-1977.3在美国阿拉巴马大学Charles U. Pittman Jr教授课题组攻读博士后,然后加盟东京工业大学,历任助手(1977-1983)、副教授(1983-1996)和教授(1996年至今)。曾任系主任、学部部长等职务,2013.4退休。从1975年开始,平尾教授一直从事高分子合成化学的研究工作。主要研究兴趣:新功能单体的合成和阴离子聚合反应,各种拓扑结构高分子的设计与精密合成,表面纳米结构的控制及分析,基于多相高聚物的纳米尺度自组装和超分子组装等。他曾获得包括日本高分子学会奖(2010)、美国流变学会出版奖(2011)在内的多个奖项,曾任MacromoleculesPolymer Journal的编委,现任Macromolecular ResearchEuropean Polymer JournalChemical Materials等期刊的编委。他先后主持了四项美日、法日、韩日等双边国际合作项目,并组织了9次国际会议。迄今为止,平尾教授已发表300余篇期刊论文(其中Macromolecules论文115篇,Prog. Polym. Sci.综述论文6篇),为20本专著撰写了章节(其中两本为合著),在高分子国际会议上作了80场大会报告、主题报告和邀请报告,同时在日本高分子学会和化学会举办的会议、国内外大学和公司作了200多场邀请报告和讲座。
Introduction to Professor Akira Hirao:
Professor Akira Hirao graduated with his doctorate degree in 1975 from Tokyo Institute of Technology (Titech), Japan, in chemical engineering. After one and half years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alabama in the USA, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at Titech and promoted to Full Professor in 1996, via an Associate Professor, and retired from Titech in 2013 to be an Emeritus Professor. He is currently a Distinguished Chair Professor of National Taiwan University (Taiwan), a Chair Professor of Soochow University (China), and Visiting Professors in Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea) and Fudan University (China) to deliver lectures for a few years. He has published over 300 papers in peer reviewed journals, 20 book chapters including coeditors, and given 80 keynote, plenary, and invited lectures at International Conferences and over 300 invited lectures including Polymer Societies, Chemical Societies, Universities, and companies in Japan (>200) as well as overseas (>100). He was awarded the Japan Polymer Society Award (2010) and the Publication Award for the year 2011, Society of Rheology (USA). His research interests lie at the molecular design and precise synthesis of macromolecular architectures by living anionic polymerization and nano surface structural control using well-defined perfloroalkylated polymers.