
Synthesis of Natural and Unnatural Products

报告人: Jeffery D. Winkler 教授
University of Pennsylvania (宾夕法尼亚大学)
Philadelphia, PA, USA

报告时间:2013618(星期二)下午 3:30 --- 4:45



     Jeffery D. Winkler graduated from Harvard College with honors in Chemistry in 1977. In that same year, he began graduate studies at Columbia University and completed his Ph.D. degree in the laboratories of Professor Gilbert Stork in 1981. He next moved to the laboratories of Professor Ronald C. D. Breslow as an American Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellow. In 1983, he joined the Chemistry Department at the University of Chicago as an Assistant Professor, and moved in 1990 to the University of Pennsylvania where he is currently Merriam Professor of Chemistry and a member of both the Cancer Center and the Center for Cancer Pharmacology. He served as the associate editor ofOrganic Letters since 1999.
His research interests have involved the development of new methodology and its application to the synthesis of structurally complex biologically active compounds, including the first total syntheses of manzamine A and ingenol. The intramolecular dioxenone and vinylogous amide photocycloaddition reactions developed in the Winkler laboratories have also been applied to the construction of mesembrine, vindorosine, perhydrohistronicotoxin, and saudin A.
His honors and awards include the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (2000), Philadelphia Organic Chemists’ Club Award (2006), Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching (2007), Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2010).