![]() | 姓名:贾定先 职称:教授、博士生导师 联系方式: Email: [email protected] 课题组网站 |
学历及学术经历: 1995年获得中国科学院大连化学物理研究所理学硕士学位,同年来苏州大学工作,2005年获得苏州大学理学博士学位,2009年任苏州大学教授。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、江苏省高校自然基金1项、苏州大学青年基金1项。在国内外核心化学期刊如Chem. Commun.,Inorg. Chem,Dalton Trans.等发表论文60多篇。 研究领域: 无机-有机杂化材料,稀土材料化学和配位化学 代表性论文: 1.Novel Polyselenidoarsenate and Selenidoarsenate: Solvothermal Synthesis and Characterization of [Co(phen)3][As2Se2(μ-Se3)(μ-Se5)] and [Co(phen)3]2[As8Se14].J. Zhao, J. J. Liang, J. F. Chen, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang, D. X. Jia*. Inorg. Chem.2011, 50, 2288–2293. 2.Solvothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Polyselenidoarsenate Salts of Transition Metal Complex Cations.D. X. Jia*, J. Zhao, Y. L. Pan, W. W. Tang, B. Wu and Y. Zhang. Inorg. Chem.2011, 50, 7195–7201. 3. Effects of lanthanide metal size and amino ligand denticity on the solvothermal systems Ln/Sn/Se/en and Ln/Sn/Se/dien (Ln = lanthanide). J. J. Liang, J. F. Chen, J. Zhao, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang and D. X. Jia*. Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 2631–2637. 4. An unprecedented m4-Sn2Se9 ligand: Solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of novel lanthanum selenidostannates [{La(dien)2}4(m4-Sn2Se9)(m-Sn2Se6)]∞ and [La2(en)8(m-Se2)]Sn2Se6. J. F. Chen, Q. Y. Jin, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang, D. X. Jia*.Chem. Commun. 2009, 7212–7214. 5.Investigating metal size effects in the Ln/As/Se/amine (Ln = lanthanide excluding Pm, amine = en, dien, en+trien) systems: solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide selenidoarsenates. J. Wang, Y. L. Pan, J. F. Chen, J. S. Gu, Y. Zhang, D. X. Jia*. Dalton Trans. 2010, 39, 7066–7072. 6. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterizations of thioarsenates [Fe(phen)3][As3S6]×dien×7H2O and [Mn2(phen)4(As2S5)]×phen× 2H2O: a new coordination mode of the As2S54– anion. Y. L. Pan, Q. Y. Jin, J. F. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. X. Jia*. Inorg, Chem.2009, 48, 5412–5417. 7. The coordination of the tetraselenidoantimonate [SbSe4]3- anion with trivalent lanthanide ions tuned by ethylene polyamines. D. X. Jia*, Q. Y. Jin, J. F. Chen, Y. L. Pan, and Y. Zhang. Inorg, Chem. 2009, 48, 8286–8293. 8. Effect of lanthanide contraction on mixed polyamine systems Ln/Sb/Se/(en+dien) and Ln/Sb/Se/(en+trien): syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide complexes with a tetraselenidoantimonate ligand. J. Zhao, J. J. Liang, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang, D. X. Jia*. J. Solid State Chem.2011, 184, 1451-1458. |