![]() | 姓名:李永舫 职称:教授、博士生导师 联系方式: Tel: +86-(0)512-65883097 Fax: +86-(0)512-65883097 Email: [email protected]课题组网站 |
教授,先进光电材料实验室主任 中国科学院院士 1982年在华东化工学院(现名华东理工大学)化学系获硕士学位,1986年在复旦大学化学系获博士学位。1986-1988年在中国科学院化学研究所进行博士后研究,1988年留化学所工作,1993年晋升研究员。曾于1988.10.-1991.4.到日本分子科学研究所和1997.6.– 1998.6.到美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)进行访问研究。2012年受聘苏州大学博彩平台 教授,2013年当选中国科学院院士。2014年当选英国皇家化学会会士和中国化学会常务理事。 主要从事聚合物太阳能电池光伏材料和器件、导电聚合物电化学和半导体纳米材料等方面的研究,已发表研究论文500 多篇,国内外学术会议大会报告和邀请报告90多次。发表论文已被SCI他人引用17000余次,h-因子67。1998年获人事部授予中青年有突出贡献专家称号,1995年获国家自然科学奖二等奖(第二完成人)、2005年获北京市科学技术奖一等奖(第一完成人)、2012年获美国化学会授予高分子学术报告奖。2013和2014年分别入选汤森路透发布的全球Hottest Scientific Researchers 21人名单和Highly cited researchers材料科学领域147人名单。 20篇代表性论文目录: 1. Jing-De Chen,† Chaohua Cui,† Yan-Qing Li,* Lei Zhou, Qing-Dong Ou, Chi Li, Yongfang Li,* and Jian-Xin Tang*, “Single-junction polymer solar cells exceeding 10% power conversion efficiency”, Adv. Mater., 2015, 27, 1035–1041. 2. Chaohua Cui,Wai-Yeung Wong* and Yongfang Li*, “Improvement of Open-Circuit Voltage and Photovoltaic Properties 3. Zhan’ao Tan*, Shusheng Li, Fuzhi Wang, Deping Qian, Jun Lin, Jianhui Hou, and Yongfang Li*, High performance polymer solar cells with as-prepared zirconium acetylacetonate film as cathode buffer layer, Scientific Report., 2014, 4, 4691. 4. Shusheng Li, Ming Lei*, Menglan Lv, Scott E. Watkins, Zhan’ao Tan*, Jin Zhu, Jianhui Hou, Xiwen Chen* and Yongfang Li*, “[6,6]-Phenyl-C61- Butyric Acid Dimethylamino Ester as Cathode Buffer Layer for High Performance Polymer Solar Cells”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2013, 3, 1569–1574. 5. Yongfang Li, “Molecular Design of Photovoltaic Materials for Polymer Solar Cells: Towards Suitable Electronic Energy Levels and Broad Absorption”, Acc. Chem. Res.2012, 45, 723–733. 6. Zhan’ao Tan*, Wenqing Zhang, Ye Huang, Zhiguo Zhang, Deping Qian, Jianhui Hou*, Yongfang Li*, “High performance inverted polymer solar cells with solution-processed titanium chelate as electron-collecting layer on ITO electrode”, Adv. Mater.2012, 24, 1476-1481. 7. Ye Huang, Xia Guo, Feng Liu, Lijun Huo, Yuning Chen, Thomas P. Russell*, Charles C. Han, Yongfang Li*, Jianhui Hou*, “Improving the ordering and photovoltaic properties by extending the π–conjugated area of electron-donating units in polymers with D-A structure”, Adv. Mater.2012,24, 3383–3389. 8. Xia Guo, Chaohua Cui, Maojie Zhang, Lijun Huo, Ye Huang, Jianhui Hou*, Yongfang Li*, “High efficiency polymer solar cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene)/indene-C70 bisadduct with solution additive”, Energy Environ. Sci.2012, 5, 7943-7949. 9. Lijun Huo, Shaoqing Zhang, Xia Guo, Feng Xu,Yongfang Li,* Jianhui Hou*, “Replacement of Alkoxy with Alkylthienyl: A Feasible Approach to Improve Photovoltaic Properties of PBDTTT-based Polymers”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 9697-9702. 10. Youjun He, Hsiang-Yu Chen, Jianhui Hou*, Yongfang Li*,”Indene-C60 bisadduct: a new acceptor for high performance polymer solar cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 1377-1382. 11. Yen-Ju Cheng*, Chao-Hsiang Hsieh, Youjun He, Chain-Shu Hsu*, Yongfang Li*,” Combination of indene-C60 bis-adduct and cross-linked fullerence interlayer leading to highly efficient inverted polymer solar cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 17381–17383. 12. Guangjin Zhao, Youjun He, Yongfang Li*, “6.5% Efficiency of the polymer solar cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) and indene-C60 bisadduct by device optimization”, Adv. Mater. , 2010, 22, 4355-4358. 13. Youjun He, Guangjin Zhao, Bo Peng, Yongfang Li*,“High yield synthesis, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of indene-C70 bisadduct”,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010,20, 3383-3389. 14. Yongfang Li*, Yingping Zou, "Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Materials with Broad Absorption Band and High Charge Carrier Mobility",Adv. Mater., 2008, 20, 2952-2958. 15. Qingjiang Sun, Y. Andrew Wang*, Lin Song Li, Daoyuan Wang, Ting Zhu, Jian Xu, Chunhe Yang and Yongfang Li*, “Bright, Multicoloured Light Emitting Diodes Based on Quantum Dots”, Nature Photonics, 2007, 1, 717-722. 16. Xiaowei Zhan*, Zhan’ao Tan, Benoit Domercq, Zesheng An, Xuan Zhang, Stephen Barlow, Yongfang Li*, Daoben Zhu*, Bernard Kippelen*, Seth R. Marder*, “A High-Mobility Electron-Transport Polymer with Broad Absorption and its use inAll-Polymer Solar Cells and Field-Effect Transistors”, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2007, 129, 7246-7247. 17. Jianhui Hou, Zhan’ao Tan, Yong Yan, Youjun He, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li*, “Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of two-dimensional conjugated polythiophenes with bi(thienylenevinylene) side chains”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128, 4911-4916. 18. Jianhui Hou, Lijun Huo, Chang He, Chunhe Yang, Yongfang Li*, “Synthesis and Absorption Spectra of Poly[3-(phenylene-vinyl) thiophene] with Conjugated Side-Chains", Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 594-603. 19. Yongfang Li, Yong Cao, Jun Gao, Deli Wang, Gang Yu, Alan J. Heeger, “Electrochemical properties of luminescent polymers and polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells”, Synth. Met., 1999, 99, 243-248 20. Yongfang Li, Renyuan Qian, “On the nature of redox processes in the cyclic voltammetry of polypyrrole in aqueous solutions”, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1993, 362, 267. |