![]() | 姓名:张伟 职称:教授、博士生导师 联系方式: Tel: 86-512-65884243 (o) Email: [email protected] |
学历及学术经历:张伟,男,博士,1979年11月生。2001年本科毕业于安徽大学化学化工学院;2006年在苏州大学化学化工学院获有机化学专业博士学位,同年被苏州大学特聘为副教授留校工作。2009年正式被聘为副教授和硕士生导师,2013年破格晋升为教授,2014年晋升博士生导师。2005年7月至2005年8月赴新加坡国立大学E. T Kang教授和K. G. Neoh教授课题组作学术访问。2009年4月-2011年3月日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学博士后(JSPS奖学金资助),合作导师藤木道也(Michiya Fujiki)教授。2015年11月-2016年2月,北海道大学访问教授,合作者中野環(Tamaki Nakano)教授。主要开设《高分子化学》以及《Materials Chemistry》(全英文教学)等课程。目前和日本北海道大学、名古屋大学、奈良先端科学技术大学院大学以及加拿大舍布鲁克大学长期保持友好合作关系。截止目前,以通讯作者/第一作者在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Adv. Funct. Mater和Macromolecules等杂志发表学术论文109篇,参与撰写专著5部。申请专利30余项,其中20项已授权。
1) 中国化工学会科学技术奖“基础研究成果一等奖”,排四,2022;
2) 教育部自然科学二等奖,排六,2010;
3) 江苏省自然科学进步二等奖,排六,2010,2012;
4) 苏州市科技进步一等奖,排六,2009;
5) 国际高分子论坛最佳墙报奖,2007;
6) 江苏省优秀本科设计三等奖和苏州大学优秀本科设计一等奖(指导教师),2008;
7) 苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,2008,2010;
8) 校青年教师教学竞赛三等奖,2012。
1) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成项目:高分子多层次手性结构精准构筑与功能(92356305),545万,2024.1−2026.12,共同主持;
2) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目:聚合物体系内多层次手性组装结构的原位构建及控制(92056111),100万元,2021.1−2023.12,主持;
3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:手性溶剂诱导非手性组装基元的手性超分子组装及固定(21971180),80万元,2020.1−2023.12,主持;
4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:芳香偶氮聚合物合成新方法研究(21574089),80.9万元,2016.1−2019.12,主持;
5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:结合圆偏振光辐照和聚合物后分散技术制备光响应型聚合物手性纳米粒子(21374072),83万元,2014.1−2017.12,主持;
6) 国家自然科学青年基金项目:基于非手性偶氮苯主链共轭共聚物超分子手性光学开关的研究(21104052),25万元,2012.1−2014.12,主持;
7) 江苏省高等学校科学研究重大项目:非手性聚合物体系中超分子手性的构建及固定(19KJA360006),30万元,2019.9-2022.8,主持;
8) 苏州市科技发展计划(应用基础研究(工业))项目:酞菁超分子纳米导线的光控有序组装(SYG201111),10万元,2011.7-2013.6,主持;
9) 科技部重大国际合作计划项目:基于光电应用的纳米材料制备及其应用基础研究(2011DFA50530),326万元,技术骨干(第三);
10) 横向项目:高分子橡塑材料的开发&低摩擦支架结构的开发(苏州吉尼尔机械科技有限公司),20万,2020.4-2025.4,主持;
11) 横向项目:新型光固化预聚物及材料的开发(长兴电子(苏州)有限公司),15万,2018.6-2020.12,主持;
12) 横向项目:应用于光阻干膜的光固化新材料的开发(长兴电子(苏州)有限公司),20万,2020.12-2022.12,主持;
13) 横向项目:新型RAFT试剂的分子结构设计与合成(中海油常州涂料化工研究院有限公司),29.8万,2023.8-2024.7,主持。
2. Pan M.+; Zhang G.*,+; Ma H.; Cheng X.; Li J.*; Zhang W.*, In Situ Thermoresponsive Supramolecular Assembly for Switchable Circularly Polarized Luminescence.Sci. China Chem.2024, DOI: 10.1007/s11426-024-2000-3.
3. Liu D.*; Zhao J.; Ma Y.; Zhao X.; Shi S.; Li S.; Song Q. *; Cheng X. *; Zhang W.*, Construction of secondary and tertiary chiral structures in side-chain azobenzene polymers with flexible main chains. Polym. Chem.2024, 15, 1469-1474.
4. Ma H.; Cheng X.; Zhang G.*; Miao T.; He Z.; Zhang W.*, Revealing Pathway Complexity and Helical Inversion in Supramolecular Assemblies Through Solvent-Induced Radical Disparities, Adv. Sci. 2024, 2308371.
5. Wang X.; Yu Z.; Huang Z.; Zhou N.; Cheng X.*; Zhang Z.*; Zhang W.*; Zhu X., Unraveling Dynamic Helicity Inversion and Chirality Transfer through the Synthesis of Discrete Azobenzene Oligomers by an Iterative Exponential Growth Strategy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2023, e202315686.
6. Dai H.+; Hong R.+; Ma Y.; Cheng X.*; Zhang W.*, A Subtle Change in the Flexible Achiral Spacer Does Matter in Supramolecular Chirality: Two-Fold Odd-Even Effect in Polymer Assemblies. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2023, e202314848.
7. Guo Y.; Cheng X.; He Z.; Zhou Z.; Miao T.*; Zhang W.*; Simultaneous Chiral Fixation and Chiral Regulation Endowed by Dynamic Covalent Bonds. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2023, e202312259.
8. Yi S.; Wang L.; Cheng X.*; Fujiki M.*; Zhang W.*, Chiroptical Generation, Switching, and Long-Term Memory in Supramolecular Azobenzene-Pendant Polymer: Regulation by Cellulose Peralkyl Esters, D-/L-Glucose Permethyl Esters, Solvents, UV Light Irradiation, and Thermal Annealing Process. Chin. J. Chem.2023, 41, 3625-3632.
9. Li S.; Wu Y.; Ma X.; Hu J.*; Song Q.; Shen X.; Zhang W.*, Organic phase change composite separators to enhance the safety performance of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources2023, 584, 233620.
10. Zhang G.; Li Q.; Li J.; Pan M.; Wang Y.*; Su R.; Qi W.*; Zhang W.*, Gold Nanoparticles Mineralized by Peptide Liquid Crystals with Dual-Functional Enzyme-like Activities: An Automatic Membrane Reactor for Glucose Detection. Langmuir2023, 39, 8779–8786.
11. Cheng X.; Miao T.; Zhang G.; Guo J.; Zhou Z.; Zhang W.*, Switchable Phase Helicity Independent of the Absolute Configuration of the Stereocenter: Anomalous Induction between Sergeants and Soldiers in Chiral Liquid-Crystalline Polymers. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2023,145, 30, 16474–16487.
12. Miao T.*; Cheng X.; Guo Y.; Zhang G.; Zhang W.*, Preparation of chiral polymers: precise chirality transfer from natural species to achiral artificial polymers. Giant2023, 14, 100161.
13. Cheng X.; Gan Y.; Zhang G.; Song Q.*; Zhang Z.*; Zhang W.*, The conformationally supramolecular chirality prevails over configurational point chirality in side-chain liquid crystalline polymers. Chemical Science2023, 14, 5116.
14. He Z.; Shen S.; Zhang G.; Miao T.; Cheng X.*; Wang Z.; Song Q.*; Zhang W.*, Photo-induced Fusion of Monodisperse Polymer Microspheres: A Novel Strategy for Constructing Topological Microsphere Clusters with Improved Stability. Aggregate, 2023, e351.
15. Zhang G. +*; Bao Y. +; Pan M.; Wang N.; Cheng X.; Zhang W.*, Memorable full-color circularly polarized luminescence from chiral co-assembled polymer films enabled by multipath transfer. Science China Chemistry, 2023, 66, 1169-1178.
16. Miao T.*; Cheng X.; Zhang G.; Wang Y.; He Z.; Wang Z; Zhang W.*, Self-recovery of chiral microphase separation in an achiral diblock copolymer system. Chemical Science2023, 14, 1673-1678.
17. Bao Y.; Zhang G.*; Wang N.; Pan M.; Zhang W.*, Circularly polarized luminescent organogels based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer in an achiral polymer system. Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2023,11, 2475-2479.
18. Ma Y.; Cheng X.*; Ma H.; He Z.; Zhang Z.; Zhang W.*, Unexpected chirality transition and inversion mediated by dissolution–aggregation and the odd–even effect. Chemical Science, 2022, 13, 13623-13630
19. Gan Y.; Dai H.; Ma Y.; Cheng X.*; Wang Z.; Zhang W.*, Regulating Chiral Helical Structures in Liquid-Crystalline Block Copolymers with Chiroptical Response by Synergistic Asymmetric Effect. Macromolecules2022, 55, 8556−8565.
20. Zhang G.; Cheng X.; Wang Y.; Zhang W.*, Supramolecular Chiral Polymeric Aggregates: Construction and Applications. Aggregate2023, 4, e262
21. He, Z.; Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Ma, H.; Ma, Y.; Zhang, W*., Zhu, X., Building Permanently Optically Active Particles from Absolutely Achiral Polymer. Polymer Chemistry2022, 13, 1953–1959.
22. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Ma, Y.; Zhang, W*., Chiral Expression and Morphology Control in Polymer Dispersion Systems. ChemPlusChem2022, e202100556.
23. Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Qian, Y.; Zhuang, Y.; Zhang, W*., Engineering Achiral Liquid Crystalline Polymers for Chiral Self-Recovery. International Journal of Molecular Sciences2021, 22, 11980.
24. Sun, Y.; Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Ma, H.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Reversible CO2-, Photo- and Thermo-Triple Responsive Supramolecular Chirality of Azo-containing Block Copolymer Assemblies Prepared by Polymerization-induced Chiral Self-assembly.Chinese Journal of Polymer Science2022, 40, 56-66.
25. Li, L.; Li, Y.; Wang, S.; Ye, L.; Zhang, W*.; Zhou, N*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., Morphological modulation of azobenzene-containing tubular polymersomes. Polymer Chemistry2021, 12, 3052-3059.
26. Liu, M.; Shi, X.; Li, L.; Zhang, J.; Huang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhou, N*.; Zhang, Z*.; Zhu, X., Synthesis of Discrete Conjugated Fluorene-Azo Oligomers for the Investigation of Azobenzene Position-Dependent Physical Properties and Photoresponsive Behavior. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics2021, 222, 2100092.
27. Song, G.; Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Ma, H.; He, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., Construction of Chiroptical Switch on Silica Nanoparticle Surface via Chiral Self-assembly of Side-chain Azobenzene-containing Polymer. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science2021, 39, 1528-1537.
28. Yin, L.; Liu, M.; Ma, H.; Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Induction and modulation of supramolecular chirality in side-chain azobenzene polymers through the covalent chiral domino effect. Science China Chemistry2021, 64, 2105-2110.
29. Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Ma, H.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Induction, fixation and recovery of self-organized helical superstructures in achiral liquid crystalline polymer. Polymer Chemistry2021, 12, 5931-5936.
30. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Ma, Y.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Controlling the Multiple Chiroptical Inversion in Biphasic Liquid-Crystalline Polymers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2021, 60, 24430-24436.
31. Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Ma, H.; He, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Transfer, Amplification, Storage, and Complete Self-Recovery of Supramolecular Chirality in an Achiral Polymer System. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2021, 60, 18566-18571.
32. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Ma, H.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Polymerization-Induced Helicity Inversion Driven by Stacking Modes and Self-Assembly Pathway Differentiation. Small2021, 17, 2103177.
33. Yin, L.; Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Jiang, Z.; Tong, X.; Zhang, W*.; Zhao, Y*., Chiral Liquid Crystalline Elastomer for Twisting Motion without Preset Alignment of Mesogens.ACS Macro Letters 2021,10, 690-696.
34. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Ma, H.; Yin, L.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Construction of Supramolecular Chirality in Polymer Systems: Chiral Induction, Transfer and Application. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science2021, 39, 1357-1375.
35. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Ma, H.; Yin, L.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., The construction of photoresponsive polymer particles with supramolecular helicity from achiral monomers by helix-sense-selective polymerization. Polymer Chemistry2020, 11, 2089-2097.
36. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Yin, L.; Ji, Y.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., In Situ Controlled Construction of a Hierarchical Supramolecular Chiral Liquid‐Crystalline Polymer Assembly. Angewandte Chemie International Edition2020, 59, 9669-9677.
37. Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Qian, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Supramolecular Chirality in Azobenzene-Containing Polymer System: Traditional Postpolymerization Self-Assembly Versus In Situ Supramolecular Self-Assembly Strategy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences2020, 21, 6186.
38. Yin, L.; Han, L.; Ge, F.; Tong, X.;Zhang, W*.; Soldera, A.; Zhao, Y*., A Novel Side‐Chain Liquid Crystal Elastomer Exhibiting Anomalous Reversible Shape Change. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020,59, 15129-15134.
39. Zhang, L.; Gao, Y.; Huang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, Z*.; Zhu, X., Controllably Growing Topologies in One-shot RAFT Polymerization via Macro-latent Monomer Strategy. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science2020, 39, 60-69.
40. 程笑笑,缪腾飞,殷露,陈海玲,刘萌, 张伟*,朱秀林. 手性低聚物/聚合物诱导非手性物质手性组装的研究进展[J]. 功能高分子学报, 2019, 32, 647-659.
41. 陈海玲,程笑笑,缪腾飞,刘萌,李洁爱,张伟*,朱秀林. 刚性棒状手性聚硅烷诱导非手性超支化聚芴的超分子手性组装[J]. 功能高分子学报, 2019, 32, 718-727.
42. Li, S.; Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, W.*; Zhu, X., Different phase-dominated chiral assembly of polyfluorenes induced by chiral solvation: axial and supramolecular chirality. RSC Advances2019,9, 38257-38264.
43. Chen, H.; Yin, L.; Liu, M.; Wang, L.; Fujiki, M*.; Zhang, W.*; Zhu, X., Aggregation-induced chiroptical generation and photoinduced switching of achiral azobenzene-alt-fluorene copolymer endowed with left- and right-handed helical polysilanes. RSC Advances 2019,9, 4849-4856.
44. Ling, W.; Cheng, X.; Miao, T.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Synthesis and Photocontrolled Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Azobenzene-Functionalized Perylene Bisimide Derivatives. Polymers 2019,11, 1143.
45. Liu, M.; Yin, L.; Wang, L*.; Miao, T.; Cheng, X.; Wang, Y*.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Synthesis of monodisperse aromatic azo oligomers toward gaining new insight into the isomerization of π-conjugated azo systems. Polymer Chemistry 2019,10, 1806-1811.
46. Liu, M.; Yin, L.; Zhang, S*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Design and Synthesis of a Cyclic Double-Grafted Polymer Using Active Ester Chemistry and Click Chemistry via A “Grafting onto” Method.Polymers 2019,11, 240.
47. Zhao, Y.; Chen, H.; Yin, L.; Cheng, X.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Chirality induction of achiral polydialkylfluorenes by chiral solvation: odd-even and side chain length dependence. Polymer Chemistry2018, 9, 2295-2301.
48. Zhao, X.; Zhang, S.; Miao, T.; Li, S.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., The implementation of the catalytic Staudinger-Vilarrasa reaction in polymer chemistry as a highly efficient chemistry strategy.Polymer Chemistry 2018,9, 4413-4421.
49. Zhang, S.; Tezuka, Y.; Zhang, Z*.; Li, N.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Recent advances in the construction of cyclic grafted polymers and their potential applications. Polymer Chemistry 2018,9, 677-686.
50. Zhang, S.; Cheng, X.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Synthesis of a cyclic-brush polymer with a high grafting density using activated ester chemistry via the “grafting onto” approach. Polymer Chemistry 2018,9, 5155-5163.
51. Yin, L.; Liu, M.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., Supramolecular chirality induced by chiral solvation in achiral cyclic Azo-containing polymers: topological effects on chiral aggregation. Polymer Chemistry 2018,9, 769-776.
52. Wang, K.; Yin, L.; Miu, T.; Liu, M.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Design and synthesis of a novel azobenzene-containing polymer both in the main- and side-chain toward unique photocontrolled isomerization properties. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2018,2, 1112-1118.
53. Miao, T.; Yin, L.; Cheng, X.; Zhao, Y.; Hou, W.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Chirality Construction from Preferred π-π Stacks of Achiral Azobenzene Units in Polymer: Chiral Induction, Transfer and Memory. Polymers 2018,10, 612.
54. He, L.; Tong, Z.; Wang, Z.; Chen, M.; Huang, N.; Zhang, W*., Effects of calcination temperature and heating rate on the photocatalytic properties of ZnO prepared by pyrolysis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2018,509, 448-456.
55. Chen, Y.; Wang, L.; Pan, X.; Wu, J.;Zhang, W*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., Establishment of a molecular design to obtain visible-light-activated azoxy polymer actuators. Polymer Chemistry 2018,9, 2438-2445.
56. 葛海峰,张伟*.碳酸钠对2-氯吡啶氮氧化物及吡啶硫酮钠色度的影响[J].广州化工, 2017, 45, 59-60+78.
57. 李辉,李苗苗,陈愿,徐森,刘大斌,张伟*,郑亭亭,陈静静. HTPE推进剂热分解特性研究[J]. 上海航天, 2018, 35, 132-139.
58. 殷露,缪腾飞,程笑笑,赵银,李洁爱*,张伟*,朱秀林.光诱导非手性聚合物的手性研究进展(英文)[J].功能高分子学报, 2018, 31, 387-401.
59. Yang, D.; Zhang, L.; Yin, L.; Zhao, Y*.; Zhang, W*.; Liu, M., Fabrication of chiroptically switchable films via co-gelation of a small chiral gelator with an achiral azobenzene-containing polymer. Soft Matter 2017,13, 6129-6136.
60. Liu, J.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, H.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Rapid limonene-induced mirror symmetry breaking in achiral polyfluorene containing pendant crown ether groups: Enhanced by ion complexation. Reactive and Functional Polymers 2017,121, 76-81.
61. Zhang, S.; Yin, L.; Wang, J.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, L.; Zhu, X*., A Green Platform for Preparation of the Well-Defined Polyacrylonitrile: 60Co γ-ray Irradiation-Initiated RAFT Polymerization at Room Temperature. Polymers 2017,9, 26.
62. Yin, L.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, M.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Induction of supramolecular chirality by chiral solvation in achiral Azo polymers with different spacer lengths and push-pull electronic substituents: where will chiral induction appear? Polymer Chemistry 2017,8, 1906-1913.
63. Zhao, Y.; Yin, L.; Liu, J.; Chen, H.; Zhang, W*., Helical screw sense bias in chiral polyfluorene stimulated by solvent. Chirality 2017,29, 107-114.
64. Wang, L.; Yin, L.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X.; Fujiki, M*., Circularly Polarized Light with Sense and Wavelengths To Regulate Azobenzene Supramolecular Chirality in Optofluidic Medium. Journal of the American Chemical Society2017,139, 13218-13226.
65. 赵银,殷露,刘晶晶,张伟*,朱秀林. 手性溶剂诱导非手性物质手性的研究进展[J]. 功能高分子学报, 2016, 29, 20-28.
66. Yang, D.; Zhao, Y.; Lv, K.; Wang, X.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, L.; Liu, M*., A strategy for tuning achiral main-chain polymers into helical assemblies and chiral memory systems. Soft Matter 2016,12, 1170-1175.
67. Wang, L.; Chen, Y.; Yin, L.; Zhang, S.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Synthesis and characterization of visible-light-activated Azo hyperbranched polymers. Polymer Chemistry 2016,7, 5407-5413.
68. Zhang, S.; Yin, L.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, Z*.; Zhu, X*., Synthesis of diverse cyclic-brush polymers with cyclic polystyrene as a universal template via a grafting-from approach. Polymer Chemistry 2016,7, 2112-2120.
69. Zhao, Y.; Abdul Rahim, N. A.; Xia, Y.; Fujiki, M.; Song, B.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Supramolecular Chirality in Achiral Polyfluorene: Chiral Gelation, Memory of Chirality, and Chiral Sensing Property. Macromolecules 2016,49, 3214-3221.
70. Jiang, S.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, L.; Yin, L.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Photocontrollable induction of supramolecular chirality in achiral side chain Azo-containing polymers through preferential chiral solvation. Polymer Chemistry 2015,6, 4230-4239.
71. Fujiki, M*.; Donguri, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Nakao, A.; Suzuki, N.; Yoshida, K.; Zhang, W*., Photon magic: chiroptical polarisation, depolarisation, inversion, retention and switching of non-photochromic light-emitting polymers in optofluidic medium. Polymer Chemistry 2015,6, 1627-1638.
72. Huang, N.; Shu, J.; Wang, Z*.; Chen, M.; Ren, C.; Zhang, W*., One-step pyrolytic synthesis of ZnO nanorods with enhanced photocatalytic activity and high photostability under visible light and UV light irradiation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015,648, 919-929.
73. Wang, L.; Pan, X.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, W*.; Tu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, J.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X., A Straightforward Protocol for the Highly Efficient Preparation of Main-Chain Azo Polymers Directly from Bisnitroaromatic Compounds by the Photocatalytic Process. Macromolecules 2015,48, 1289-1295.
74. Wang, Y.; Zhang, S.; Wang, L.; Zhang, W.; Zhou, N.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., The Suzuki coupling reaction as a post-polymerization modification: a promising protocol for construction of cyclic-brush and more complex polymers. Polymer Chemistry 2015,6, 4669-4677.
75. Yin, L.; Zhao, Y.; Jiang, S.; Wang, L.; Zhang, Z*.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X*., Preferential chiral solvation induced supramolecular chirality in optically inactive star Azo polymers: photocontrollability, chiral amplification and topological effects. Polymer Chemistry 2015,6, 7045-7052.
76. Liu, J.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, S.; Suzuki, N.; Fujiki, M.; Wang, L.; Li, L.; Zhang, W*.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X*., Chiroptical generation and amplification of hyperbranched π-conjugated polymers in aggregation states driven by limonene chirality. Polymer Chemistry2014,5, 784-791.
77. Wang, L.; Li, J.; Zhang, W.; Chen, G*.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., A novel approach to synthesize polymers for potential photodynamic therapy: from benzenedinitrile to phthalocyanine. Polymer Chemistry2014,5, 2872-2879.)
78. Zhang, J.; Wang, L.; Li, N.; Liu, J.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X*., A novel azobenzene covalent organic framework. CrystEngComm 2014,16, 6547-6551.
79. Wang, L.; Suzuki, N.; Liu, J.; Matsuda, T.; Rahim, N. A. A.; Zhang, W*.; Fujiki, M*.; Zhang, Z.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X., Limonene induced chiroptical generation and inversion during aggregation of achiral polyfluorene analogs: structure-dependence and mechanism. Polymer Chemistry2014,5, 5920-5927.
80. Zhang, J.; Li, Y.; Wang, L.; Fujiki, M.; Li, X.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, W*.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X*., Supramolecular self-assembly and photovoltaic property of soluble fluorogallium phthalocyanine. RSC Advances2014,4, 29485-29492.
81. Zhang, J.; Wang, L.; Li, C.; Li, Y.; Liu, J.; Tu, Y.; Zhang, W*.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X*., Preparation and characterization of solution processable phthalocyanine-containing polymers via a combination of RAFT polymerization and post-polymerization modification techniques. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2014,52, 691-698.
82. Sun, S.; Wu, P*.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Effect of structural constraint on dynamic self-assembly behavior of PNIPAM-based nonlinear multihydrophilic block copolymers. Soft Matter 2013,9, 1807-1816.
83. Sun, S.; Xu, S.; Zhang, W.; Wu, P*.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X., Cooperative self-assembly and crystallization into fractal patterns by PNIPAM-based nonlinear multihydrophilic block copolymers under alkaline conditions. Polymer Chemistry 2013,4, 5800-5809.
84. Fujiki, M*.; Yoshida, K.; Suzuki, N.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, W*.; Zhu, X*., Mirror symmetry breaking and restoration within μm-sized polymer particles in optofluidic media by pumping circularly polarised light. RSC Advances 2013,3, 5213-5219.
85. Xing, Z.; Zhang, J.; Li, X.; Zhang, W*.; Wang, L.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, X*., Design and property of thermoresponsive core-shell fluorescent nanoparticles via RAFT polymerization and suzuki coupling reaction. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2013,51, 4021-4030.
86. 张双双,刘江飞,张键,王来兵,张伟*,朱秀林*.溶剂手性转移法制备超支化共轭聚合物手性荧光纳米粒子[J].高分子学报,2013, 426-435.
87. Shen, Q.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, S.; Hao, Y.; Zhang, W*.; Zhang, W.; Chen, G.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X*., Facile one-pot/one-step technique for preparation of side-chain functionalized polymers: Combination of SET-RAFT polymerization of azide vinyl monomer and click chemistry. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2012,50, 1120-1126.
88. Zhang, W*.; Yoshida, K.; Fujiki, M*.; Zhu, X., Unpolarized-Light-Driven Amplified Chiroptical Modulation Between Chiral Aggregation and Achiral Disaggregation of an Azobenzene-alt-Fluorene Copolymer in Limonene. Macromolecules 2011,44, 5105-5111.
89. Zhang, W.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Cheng, Z.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, G.; Zhu, X., Synthesis and Aggregation Behaviors of Nonlinear Multiresponsive, Multihydrophilic Block Copolymers. Macromolecules 2011,44, 3366-3373.
90. Zhang, W*.; Fujiki, M*.; Zhu, X., Chiroptical nanofibers generated from achiral metallophthalocyanines induced by diamine homochirality. Chemistry-A European Journal 2011,17, 10628-10635.
91. Yan, Y.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Qiu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, J.; Cheng, Z.; Zhang, W.; Zhu, X., Universal xanthate-mediated controlled free radical polymerizations of the “less activated” vinyl monomers. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010,48, 5206-5214.
92. Qiu, Y.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Yan, Y.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, X., Preparation of Miktoarm Star-Block copolymers PSn-b-PVAc4-n via combination of ATRP and RAFT Polymerization. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010,48, 5180-5188.
93. Zhang, W.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Zhang, Z.; Cheng, Z.; Tu, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Zhu, X., Thermo-responsive fluorescent micelles from amphiphilic A3B miktoarm star copolymers prepared via a combination of SET-LRP and RAFT polymerization.Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010,48, 4268-4278.
94. Zhang, W.(co-first author); Yan, Y.; Zhu, X.; Qiu, Y.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, J.; Zhang, Z., Chlorodithiocarbamate-Mediated RAFT Polymerization: A Novel Synthetic Method for ATRP Macroinitiators. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 2010,4, 264-271.
95. Zhang, W.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Zhang, Z.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, X., SET-RAFT Polymerization of Progargyl Methacrylate and a One-Pot/One-Step Preparation of Side-chain Functionalized Polymers via Combination of SET-RAFT and Click Chemistry. Macromolecular Rapid Communications2010,31, 1354-1358.
96. Zhang, W*.; Ishimaru, A.; Onouchi, H.; Rai, R.; Saxena, A.; Ohira, A.; Ishikawa, M*.; Naito, M.; Fujiki, M*., Ambidextrous optically active copper(II) phthalocyanine supramolecules induced by peripheral group homochirality. New Journal of Chemistry 2010,34, 2310-2318.
97. Zhang, W*.; Ochi, K.; Fujiki, M*.; Naito, M.; Ishikawa, M.; Kaneto, K.-i*.; Takashima, W.; Saeki, A.; Seki, S*., Programmed High-Hole-Mobility Supramolecular Polymers from Disk-Shaped Molecules. Advanced Functional Materials2010,20, 3941-3947.
98. Wang, C.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Zhou, N.; Qiu, Y.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, X., Synthesis and Characterization of Well-Defined Soluble Alq3- andZnq2-Functionalized Polymers via RAFT Copolymerization. International Journal of Polymer Science 2010,2010, 1-7.
99. Zhang, W.; Wang, C.; Li, D.; Song, Q.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, X., Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Styrene Using Multifunctional Iniferter Reagents as Initiators. Macromolecular Symposia 2008,261, 23-31.
100. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, J.; Cheng, Z., Atom transfer radical polymerization of styrene using photoiniferter reagent as initiator. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering2008, 2, 22-28.
101. Zhang, W.; Yan, Y.; Zhou, N.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, J.; Xia, C.; Zhu, X., Controlled synthesis and fluorescent properties of poly(9-(4-vinylbenzyl)-9H-carbazole) via nitroxide-mediated living free-radical polymerization. European Polymer Journal 2008, 44, 3300-3305.
102. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, J., Atom Transfer Radical Polymerizations of methyl Methacrylate and Styrene with an Iniferter Reagent as the initiator. Journal of Applied Polymer Science2007,106, 230-237.
103. Zhang, W.; Zhou, N.; Zhu, J.; Sun, B.; Zhu, X., Synthesis of Well-Defined Naphthalene and Photo-labile Group-Labeled Polystyrene via ATRP. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2006,44, 510-518.
104. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, J.; Chen, J., Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Styrene Using the Novel Initiator Ethyl 2-N,N-(Diethylamino)dithiocarbamoyl-butyrate. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2006,44, 32-41.
105. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhou, D.; Wang, X.; Zhu, J., Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization of 2-Naphthyl Acrylate with 2-Cyanoprop-2-yl 1-Dithionaphthalate as a Chain-Transfer Agent. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2005,43, 2632-2642.
106. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, J.; Cheng, Z., Reverse Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate using a New Catalyst, Copper(II) N,N′-Butyldithiocarbamate. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2004,205, 806-813.
107. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, J.; Xu, W., Reverse Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Styrene Initiated by Tetramethylthiuram Disulfide/CuSCN/N, N, N′, N″, N″-Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine in the Presence of Acetonitrile. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A 2004,41, 49-61.
108. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Zhu, J., Atom transfer radical polymerization of styrene initiated by the novel initiator N-bromosuccinimide. e-Polymers2004,020.
109. Zhang, W.; Zhu, X.; Cheng, Z.; Zhu, J.; Lang, J.; Lu, J., Synthesis and Crystal Structure of N, N'-Dimethyldithio-arbamato-Copper(I) Polymer {[Cu(Me2dtc)]2}n. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2004, 22, 888–890.