![]() | 姓名:刘涛 职称:教授、博士生导师 联系方式: Email: [email protected] 课题组网站 |
学历及学术经历: 刘涛博士,于1992年毕业于清华大学化工系并获得高分子材料与工程学士学位;于1996年赴美留学在佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)学习高分子科学与工程并师从Dr.Robert J. Samuels于1999年和2002年分别获得硕士和博士学位。博士毕业后于2002-2004,刘涛博士以高级研究员的身份(Research Scientist II)加入了该校Dr. Satish Kumar的研究团队进行博士后的研究工作。在加入苏大博彩平台 之前,他曾任教于美国佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)并于2013年取得该校终生教职职位(Associate Professor)。在佛罗里达州立大学任教2013期间(2007 – 2015),刘涛博士还曾任职于该校高性能材料研究院(High-performance Materials Institute)的首席研究员(PI)。刘涛博士还有着多年的工业界工作经验,曾任职于中国成都有机硅研究中心,美国通用电气公司(GE Advanced Materials),美国巴特尔纪念研究院(Battelle Memorial Institute)。刘涛博士在Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Carbon,Macromolecules等发表了近50篇SCI/EI文章和6篇美国专利。
研究领域: 高分子和高分子纳米复合基的功能材料和器件(传感器,光激发/光响应制动器),轻量化的结构材料(激光和纳米调控的高性能纤维),储能材料(超级电容器电极,高分子电解质及离子导电薄膜),以及相应材料的加工-多尺度结构-性质-性能关系。
代表性论文: 1. Luo, S., Hoang, P. T., & Liu, T.* (2016). Direct Laser Writing for Creating Porous Graphitic Structures and Their Use for Flexible and Highly Sensitive Sensor and Sensor Arrays. Carbon, 96, 522-531. 2. Kim, S-K., Liu, T.*, & Wang, X. (2015). Flexible, Highly Durable, and Thermally Stable SWCNT/Polyimide Transparent Electrodes. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 20865-20874. 3. Liu X., Wei R., Hoang, PT, Wang X, Liu T.*, Keller P. (2015) Reversible and Rapid Laser Actuation of Liquid Crystalline Elastomer Micropillars with Inclusion of Gold Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 3022-3032 4. Obitayo, W., Liu, T.*(2015). Effect of Orientation on the Piezoresistivity of Mechanically Drawn Single Walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT) Thin Films. Carbon, 85, 372 – 382. 5. Luo, S., Obitayo, W., Liu, T.* (2014). SWCNT-thin-film-enabled fiber sensors for lifelong structural health monitoring of polymeric composites-From manufacturing to utilization to failure. Carbon, 76, 321-329. 6. Yao, Y., Luo, S., Liu, T.* (2014). Determination of the Length, Diameter, Molecular Mass, Density and Surfactant Adsorption of SWCNTs in Dilute Dispersion by Intrinsic Viscosity, Sedimentation, and Diffusion Measurements. Macromoleclues, 47, 3093-3100. 7. Luo, S., Liu, T.* (2014). Graphite nanoplatelet enabled embeddable fiber sensor for in situ curing monitoring and structural health monitoring of polymeric composites. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6, 9314–9320. 8. Luo, S., Liu, T.* (2013). SWCNT/graphite nanoplatelet hybrid thin films for self-temperature-compensated, highly sensitive and extensible piezoresistive sensors. Advanced Materials, 25, 5650-5657. 9. Luo, S., Liu, T.* (2013). Structure-property-processing relationships of single-wall carbon nanotube thin film piezoresistive sensors. Carbon, 59, 315-324. 10. Luo, S., Liu, T.*, Benjamin, S., Brooks, J. (2013). Variable Range Hopping in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Thin Films: A Processing−Structure−Property Relationship Study. Langmuir, 29, 8694-8702. 11. Xiao, Z., Wu, Q., Luo, S., Zhang, C., Baur, J., Justice, R., Liu, T.* (2013). Shape Matters: A Gold Nanoparticle Enabled Shape Memory Polymer Triggered by Laser Irradiation. Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 30, 338-345. 12. Xiao, Z., Gupta, M., Baltas, G., Liu, T.*, Chae, H., Kumar, S. (2012). Probe diffusion of SWCNTs in semidilute solutions of polyacrylonitrile homo- and copolymers: effects of topological constraints and polymer/nanorod interactions. Polymer, 22, 5069 – 5077. 13. Zhao, D., Liu, T.*, Zhang, M., Liang, R., Wang, B. (2012). Fabrication and characterization of aerosol-jet printed strain sensors for multifunctional composite structures. Smart Mater. Struct., 21, 115008, 8 pp., 14. Liu, T.*, Xiao, Z. (2012). Dynamic light scattering of rigid rods - A universal relationship on the apparent diffusion coefficient as revealed by numerical studies and its use for rod length determination. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 213, 1697 - 1705. 15. Liu, T.*, Xiao, Z. (2011). Exact and Closed Form Solutions for the Quantum Yield, Exciton Diffusion Length, and Lifetime to Reveal the Universal Behaviors of the Photoluminescence of Defective Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115, 16920-16927. 16. Liu, T.*, Xiao, Z., Wang, B. (2009). The exfoliation of SWCNT bundles examined by simultaneous Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Carbon, 47, 3529-3537. 17. Liu, T.*, Luo, S., Xiao, Z., Zhang, C., Wang, B. (2008). Preparative ultracentrifuge method for characterization of carbon nanotube dispersions. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 19193 - 19202. 18. Zhou, C., Liu, T.*, Wang, T., Kumar, S. (2006). SWNT/PAN/SAN ternary composite – a novel approach for high performance supercapacitor. Polymer, 47, 5831 - 5837. 19. Sreekumar, T., Liu, T., Min, B., Kumar, S., Hauge, R., Smalley, R. (2004). Polyacrylonitrile-single wall carbon nanotube composite fibers. Advanced Materials, 16, 58 – 61. 20. Liu, T., Kumar, S. (2003). Effect of orientation on the modulus of SWNT films and fibers. Nano Letters, 3, 647 – 650. |