![]() | 姓名:程振平 职称:教授、博士生导师 联系方式: Tel: +86-512-65880727(O) Fax: +86-512-65882787 (O) Email: [email protected] 课题组网站: //polychem.maxbocai.com/ |
学历及学术经历: 1994年大连理工大学化学工程专业硕士研究生毕业,获工学硕士学位;2003年苏州大学有机化学专业博士毕业,获理学博士学位;2004年8月至2005年9月在新加坡国立大学化工系做博士后,2008年9月至2009年9月在加拿大滑铁卢大学化工系做博士后,2017年1月至2017年4月在美国普渡大学化工系做访问学者,1994年7月受聘于苏州大学任教至今。2010年12月至2013年9月任苏州大学纳米科学技术学院副院长、博彩平台 副主任;2013年9月至2014年11月任苏州大学博彩平台 副主任。目前担任江苏省化学化工学会理事,苏州市化学化工学会理事会副理事长,苏州市大分子设计与精密合成重点实验室主任。现为苏州大学高分子化学与物理、材料学专业博士生导师,苏州大学东吴学者,苏州大学教学名师。 在Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Functional Materials, Macromolecules, ACS Macro Letters, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Polymer Chemistry, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry等国际主流期刊上发表研究论文200余篇,其中1篇论文被列为ESI高被引论文。获授权中国发明专利50余项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项以及其它各类横向、纵向项目多项。 获教育部高校科技优秀成果二等奖(自然科学奖)(2012年,2009年),江苏省科技进步二等奖(2012年,2009年),苏州大学教学成果奖二等奖(2012年),江苏省普通高校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文) 团队指导教师奖(2011年),苏州大学交行奖教金(2011年),苏州市科技进步一等奖(2010年),苏州大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师(2010年),苏州市优秀教育工作者(2008年),苏州大学教学成果奖一等奖(2007年),苏州大学利苏教学奖(2007年),苏州大学研究生精品课程(2006年),苏州大学大陆产业奖(2006年),苏州大学优秀青年骨干教师(2005年),江苏省优秀博士论文作者(2004年)。 截止目前已培养毕业博士研究生7名、硕士研究生29名。其中先后有3名博士生和4名硕士生获得国家奖学金,1名硕士生获得江苏省优秀硕士学位论文奖,2名博士生获得苏州大学优秀博士学位论文奖,2名硕士生获得苏州大学优秀硕士学位论文奖。 活性自由基聚合(机理、动力学、反应体系设计以及聚合反应工艺等);有机/无机杂化纳米材料(可控合成、表面改性、性能及应用等);功能聚合物材料(生物医用高分子材料及含氟聚合物材料等)的合成及性能研究等。
热诚欢迎对高分子研究方向感兴趣的报考化学、材料及化工专业的研究生加盟本研究团队。 代表性论文: 1. Chun Tian, Peng, Wang, Yuanyuan Ni, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Photocontrolled iodine-mediated reversible-deactivation radical polymerization system: solution polymerization of methacrylates by irradiation with NIR LED light. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2020,59, 3910-3916. 2. Yingjie Wang, Mengqi Wang, Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Facile synthesis of poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) block copolymers with more-activated monomers by using photoinduced successive RAFT polymerization. Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 2080–2088. 3. Haihui Li, Qinghua Xu, Xiang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, One-step photocontrolled polymerization-induced self-assembly (Photo-PISA) by using in situ bromine-iodine transformation reversible-deactivation radical polymerization. Polymers, 2020, 12, 150. 4. Lan Yao, Haihui, Li, Kai Tu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Construction of NIR light controlled micelles with photothermal conversion property: poly(poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate) (PPEGMA) as hydrophilic block and ketocyanine dye as NIR photothermal conversion agent. Polymers, 2020, 12, 1181. 5. Yuanyuan Ni, Chun Tian, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Photocontrolled iodine-mediated green reversible-deactivation radical polymerization of methacrylates: effect of water in the polymerization system. ACS Macro Lett., 2019, 8, 1419−1425. 6. Qinghua Xu, Chun Tian, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu*, Photo-controlled polymerization-induced self-assembly (Photo-PISA): a novel strategy using in situ bromine-iodine transformation living radical polymerization. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2019, 40, 1800327. 7. Jinying Peng, Qinghua Xu, Yuanyuan Ni, Lifen Zhang, * Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Visible light controlled aqueous RAFT continuous flow polymerization with oxygen tolerance. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 2064–2072. 8. Yuanyuan Ni, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Iodine-mediated reversible-deactivation radical polymerization: a powerful strategy for polymer synthesis. Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 2504–2515. 9. Xiaodong Liu, Yuanyuan Ni, Jian Wu, Hongjuan Jiang, Zhengbiao Zhang,* Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng * and Xiulin Zhu, A sustainable photocontrolled ATRP strategy: facile separation and recycling of a visible-light mediated catalyst fac-[Ir(ppy)3]. Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 584–592. 10. Chun Tian, Jinyun Niu, Xuerui Wei, Yujie Xu,* Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Construction of dual-functional polymer nanomaterials with near-infrared fluorescence imaging and polymer prodrug by RAFT-mediated aqueous dispersion polymerization. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 10277-10287. 11. Tianchi Xu, Kai Tu, Jiannan Cheng, Yuanyuan Ni, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng* and Xiulin Zhu, Organocatalytic approach to functional semifluorinated polymers driven by visible light. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2018, 39, 1800151. 12. Zhicheng Huang, Yu Gu, Xiaodong Liu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Metal-free atom transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate with ppm Level of organic photocatalyst. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2017, 38, 1600461. 13. Tianchi Xu, Hongnan Yin, Xiaohong Li, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Step transfer-addition and radical-termination (START) polymerization of α,ω-unconjugated dienes under irradiation of blue LED light. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2017, 38, 1600587. 14. Jian Wu, Bingjie Zhang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Photoinduced iron-based water-induced phase separable catalysis (WPSC) ICAR ATRP of poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2017, 38, 1700116. 15. Jinying Peng, Chun Tian, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu*, The in situ formation of nanoparticles via RAFT polymerization-induced self-assembly in a continuous tubular reactor. Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 1495–1506. 16. Xiaodong Liu, Qinghua Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Visible-light-induced living radical polymerization using in situ bromine-iodine transformation as an internal boost. Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 2538–2551. 17. Zhicheng Huang, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization of acrylonitrile under irradiation of blue LED light. Polymers, 2017, 9(1), 4. 18. Jian Wu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Photocatalyzed iron-based ATRP of methyl methacrylate using 1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone as both solvent and ligand. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 3888–3893. 19. Juanjuan Wu, Chun Tian, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu*, Synthesis of soap-free emulsion with high solid content by differential dripping RAFT polymerization-induced self-assembly. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 6559–6564. 20. Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, The positive effect of water on photo-induced step transfer-addition & radical-termination (START) polymerization. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 17988–17996. 21. Kai Tu, Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Visible light-induced PET-RAFT polymerization of methacrylates with novel organic photocatalysts. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 24040–24045. 22. Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Insight into the polymerization mechanism of photoinduced step transfer-addition & radical-termination (START) polymerizations. Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 3910–3920. 23. Yafeng Zeng, Liang Gu, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Synthesis of highly proton-conductive poly(arylene ether sulfone) bearing perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids via polymer post-modification. Polymer, 2017, 123, 345-354. 24. Mengqi Wang, Xiaowu Jiang,* Yanjing Luo, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng,* Xiulin Zhu, Facile synthesis of poly(vinyl acetate)-bpolystyrene copolymers mediated by an iniferter agent using a single methodology. Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 5918–5923. 26. Xiaodong Liu, Guangbao Yang, Lifen Zhang, Zhuang Liu,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Photosensitizer cross-linked nano-micelle platform for multimodal imaging guided synergistic photothermal/photodynamic therapy. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 15323–15339. 27. Xiaowu Jiang, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Highly efficient and facile photocatalytic recycling system suitable for ICAR ATRP of hydrophilic monomers. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2016, 37, 1337−1343. 28. Bingjie Zhang, Lan Yao, Xiaodong Liu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Facilely recyclable Cu(II) macrocomplex with thermoregulated poly(ionic liquid) macroligand: serving as a highly efficient atom transfer radical polymerization catalyst. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2016, 4, 7066−7073. 29. Xiaowu Jiang, Jian Wu, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, A facile strategy for catalyst separation and recycling suitable for ATRP of hydrophilic monomers using a macroligand. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2016, 37, 143−148. 30. Li Chen, Bizheng Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Yujie Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Real-time monitoring of a controlled drug delivery system in vivo: construction of a near infrared fluorescence monomer conjugated with pH-responsive polymeric micelles. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 3377-3386. 31. Xiaodong Liu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu. Metal-free photoinduced electron transfer–atom transfer radical polymerization (PET–ATRP) via a visible light organic photocatalyst. Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 689–700. 32. Jian Wu, Xiaowu Jiang, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Iron-mediated homogeneous ICAR ATRP of methyl methacrylate under ppm level organometallic catalyst iron(III) acetylacetonate. Polymers, 2016, 8(2), 29. 33. Zhicheng Huang, Jing Chen, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, ICAR ATRP of Acrylonitrile under Ambient and High Pressure. Polymers, 2016, 8(3), 59. 34. Juanjuan Wu, Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Synthesis of amphiphilic nanoparticles and multiblock hydrophilic copolymers by a facile and effective “living” radical polymerization in water. Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 2486–2491. 35. Xiaodong Liu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Catalyst-free iodine-mediated living radical polymerization under irradiation over a wide visible-light spectral scope. Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 3576–3588. 36. Chun Tian, Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, RAFT copolymerization of a phosphoruscontaining monomer with a-hydroxy phosphonate and methyl methacrylate. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 34659–34665. 37. Mingqiang Ding, Xiaowu Jiang, Jinying Peng, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. An atom transfer radical polymerization system: catalyzed by an iron catalyst in PEG-400. Green Chem., 2015, 17, 271–27. 38. Xiaodong Liu, Qian Chen, Guangbao Yang, Lifen Zhang, Zhuang Liu,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Magnetic nanomaterials with near-infrared pH-activatable fluorescence via iron-catalyzed AGET ATRP for tumor acidic microenviroment imaging.J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3, 2786 –2800. 39. Mingqiang Ding, Xiaowu Jiang, Jinying Peng, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Diffusion-regulated phase-transfer catalysis for atom transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate in an aqueous/organic biphasic system. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2015, 36, 538−546. 40. Mingqiang Ding, Xiaowu Jiang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Recent progress on transition metal catalyst separation and recycling in ATRP. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2015, 36, 1702−1721. 41. Xiaodong Liu, Bizheng Chen, Xiaojun Li, Lifen Zhang, Yujie Xu,* Zhuang Liu,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Self-assembly of BODIPY based pH-sensitive near-infrared polymeric micelles for drug controlled delivery and fluorescence imaging applications. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16399-16416. 42. Zhen Li, Weijie Chen, Zhengbiao Zhang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu. A surfactant-free emulsion RAFT polymerization of methyl methacrylate in a continuous tubular reactor. Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 1937–1943. 43. Liangfang Fan, Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Facile and universal photo-induced living radical polymerization system mediated by inniferter agent and copper(II) acetate at amnbient temperature. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 31657-31663. 44. Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, A novel methacrylate with a bisphosphonate group: RAFT polymerization and flame retardant property of the resultant polymers. Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 2283–2289. 45. Xiaowu Jiang, Yuan Liu, Mingqiang Ding, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, AGET ATRP of methyl methacrylate based on thermoregulated phase transfer catalysis in organic/aqueous biphasic system: facile and highly efficient in situ catalyst/ligand separation and recycling. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2015, 216, 1171-1179. 46. Jing Chen, Xiaoning Zhao, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization of vinyl acetate under high pressure. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2015, 53 1430-1436. 47. Zhen Li, Weijie Chen, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Fast RAFT aqueous polymerization in a continuous tubular reactor: consecutive synthesis of a double hydrophilic block copolymer. Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 5030–5035. 48. Xiaowu Jiang, Yanjing Luo, Zhen Li, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Thermoregulated phase transfer catalysis in aqueous/organic biphasic system: facile and highly efficient ATRP catalyst separation and recycling in situ using typical alkyl halide as initiator. Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 6394-6401. 49. Bingjie Zhang, Xiaowu Jiang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu, Fe(III)-mediated ICAR ATRP in a p-xylene/PEG-200 biphasic system: facile and highly efficient separation and recycling of an iron catalyst. Polym. Chem., 2015, 6, 6616-6622. 50. Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Recent advances in “living”/controlled radical polymerization of phosphorus-containing monomers and their potential applications. Sci. China Chem., 2015, 58, 1633-1640. 51. Xiangyang Du, Jinlong Pan, Mengting Chen, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Thermo-regulated phase separable catalysis (TPSC)-based atom transfer radical polymerization in a thermo-regulated ionic liquid. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 9266-9269. 52. Jinlong Pan, Bingjie Zhang, Xiaowu Jiang, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Cu(II)-mediated atom transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate via a strategy of thermo-regulated phase-separable catalysis in a liquid/liquid biphasic system: homogeneous catalysis, facile heterogeneous separation, and recycling. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2014, 35, 1615−1621. 53. Xiaowu Jiang, Jian Wu, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Highly Active ppm level organic copper catalyzed photo-induced ICAR ATRP of methyl methacrylate. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2014, 35, 1879−1885. 54. Yuan Liu, Tianchi Xu, Lifen Zhang,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu. Bulk AGET ATRP of methyl methacrylate using iron(III) acetylacetonate as a catalyst. Polym. Chem., 2014, 5, 6804-6810. 55. Hongjuan Jiang, Chun Tian, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Facile and highly efficient “living” radical polymerization of hydrophilic vinyl monomers in water. RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 52430-52437. 56. Weiwei He, Liang Cheng, Lifen Zhang, Xiaowu Jiang, Zhuang Liu*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Bifunctional nanoparticles with magnetism and NIR fluorescence: controlled synthesis from combination of AGET ATRP and ‘click’ reaction. Nanotechnology, 2014, 25, 045602(11pp). 57. Ming Li, Lifen Zhang*, Meixia Tao, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu. Living cationic polymerization of bisazobenzene-containing vinyl ether and synthesis of graft copolymer by combination of ATRP. Polym. Chem., 2014, 5, 4076-4082. 58. Weiwei He, Liang Cheng, Lifen Zhang, Zhuang Liu,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. A versatile Fe3O4 based platform via iron-catalyzed AGET ATRP: towards various multifunctional nanomaterials. Polym. Chem., 2014, 5, 638-645. 59. Jinlong Pan, Zhen Li, Lifen Zhang, Zhen-ping Cheng,* Xiu-lin Zhu*. Iron-mediated AGET ATRP of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate Using Ascorbic Acid Sodium Salt as Reducing Agent. Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2014, 32, 1010−1018. 60. Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang, Xiaowu Jiang, Xiaoguang Bao,* Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Facile “Living” Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in the Presence of Iniferter Agents: Homogeneous and Highly Efficient Catalysis from Copper(II) Acetate. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2014, 35, 1332−1339. 61. Ming Li, Li-fen Zhang*, Mei-xia Tao, Zhen-ping Cheng,* Xiu-lin Zhu, Photo-induced Living Cationic Copolymerization of Isobutyl Vinyl Ether and Vinyl Ether with Carbazolyl Groups. Chinese J. Polym. Sci., 2014, 32, 1564−1574. 62. Liang Cheng, Weiwei He, Hua Gong, Chao Wang, Qian Chen, Zhenping Cheng*, Zhuang Liu,* PEGylated Micelle Nanoparticles Encapsulating a Non-Fluorescent Near-Infrared Organic Dye as a Safe and Highly Effective Photothermal Agent for In Vivo Cancer Therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2013, 23, 5893–5902. 63. Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang, Jinlong Pan, Jian Zhu, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Developing a Synthetic Approach with Thermoregulated Phase-Transfer Catalysis: Facile Access to Metal-Mediated Living Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in Aqueous/Organic Biphasic System. Macromolecules, 2013, 46, 2060-2066. 64. Jun Cao, Lifen Zhang*, Xiaowu Jiang, Chun Tian, Xiaoning Zhao, Qi Ke, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Facile Iron-Mediated Dispersant-Free Suspension Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate via Reverse ATRP in Water. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2013, 34, 1747-1754. 65. Weiwei He, Liang Cheng, Lifen Zhang, Zhuang Liu, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Facile Fabrication of Biocompatible and Tunable Multifunctional Nanomaterials via Iron-Mediated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization with Activators Generated by Electron Transfer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 9663-9669. 66. Xiaowu Jiang, Xiangyang Du, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, A Bifunctional Diblock Copolymer from Consecutive RAFT Polymerizations and its Functionalization. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2013, 214, 654-663. 67. Shaogan Niu, Lifen Zhang*, Nan Wang, Jian Zhu, Wei Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Fabrication of magnetic nanofibers via surface-initiated RAFT polymerization and coaxial electrospinning. React. Funct. Polym., 2013, 73, 1447-1454. 68. Ting Guo, Lifen Zhang, Xiangqiang Pan, Xiaohong Li, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, A highly active homogeneous ICAR ATRP of methyl methacrylate using ppm levels of organocopper catalyst. Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 3725-3734. 69. Jinlong Pan, Lifen Zhang, Liangjiu Bai, Zhengbiao Zhang, Hong Chen, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Atom transfer radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate with a thermo-responsive ligand: construction of thermoregulated phase-transfer catalysis in an aqueous-organic biphasic system. Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 2876-2883. 70. Weiwei He, Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Atom transfer radical polymerization of hydrophilic monomers and its applications. Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 2919-2938. 71. Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang, Yuan Liu, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Triphenylphosphine as phosphorus catalyst for reversible chain-transfer catalyzed polymerization (RTCP). Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 3069-3076. 72. Jinlong Pan, Jie Miao, Lifen Zhang,* Zhangyong Si, Changwen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Iron-mediated (dual) concurrent ATRP–RAFT polymerization of water-soluble poly(ethylene glycol) monomethyl ether methacrylate. Polym. Chem., 2013, 4, 5664-5670. 73. Shaogan Niu, Lifen Zhang*, Jian Zhu, Wei Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Synthesis of High Molecular Weight and Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution Poly(acrylonitrile) via RAFT Polymerization. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2013, 51, 1197-1204. 74. Shaogan Niu, Mingqiang Ding, Mengting Chen, Ting Feng, Lifen Zhang*, Liang Wei, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Synthesis of Well-Defined Copolymer of Acrylonitrile and Maleic Anhydride via RAFT Polymerization. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2013, 51, 5263-5269. 75. Gaohua Zhu, Lifen Zhang*, Xiangqiang Pan, Wei Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Facile Soap-Free Miniemulsion Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate via Reverse Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2012, 33, 2121-2126. 76. Weiwei He, Lifen Zhang, Jie Miao, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Facile Iron-Mediated AGET ATRP for Water-Soluble Poly(ethylene glycol) Monomethyl Ether Methacrylate in Water. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2012, 33, 1067-1073. 77. Jian Qin, Lifen Zhang,* Hongjuan Jiang, Jian Zhu, Zhengbiao Zhang, Wei Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*. Controlled Bimodal Molecular-Weight-Distribution Polymers: Facile Synthesis by RAFT Polymerization. Chem. Eur. J., 2012, 18, 6015-6021. 78. Cao Jun, Zhang Lifen, Pan Xiangqiang, Cheng Zhenping,* Zhu Xiulin*, RAFT Copolymerization of Glycidyl Methacrylate and N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate. Chinese. J. Chem., 2012, 30, 2138-2144. 79. Jie Miao, Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang, Zhaoqiang Wu, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, AGET ATRP of methyl methacrylate via a bimetallic catalyst. RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 840-847. 80. Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Activators generated by electron transfer for atom transfer radical polymerization: recent advances in catalyst and polymer chemistry. Polym. Chem., 2012, 3, 2685-2697. 81. Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang, Jian Qin, Wei Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Producing Bimodal Molecular Weight Distribution Polymers Through Facile One-Pot/One-Step RAFT Polymerization. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2012, 50, 4103-4109. 82. Hongjuan Jiang, Lifen Zhang, Jinlong Pan, Xiaowu Jiang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Iron-Mediated AGET ATRP of Methyl Methacrylate Using Metal Wire as Reducing Agent. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2012, 50, 2244-2253. 83. Jie Miao, Weiwei He, Lifen Zhang, Yi Wang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, AGET ATRP of Water-Soluble PEGMA: Fast Living Radical Polymerization Mediated by Iron Catalyst. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2012, 50, 2194-2200. 85. Ting Guo, Lifen Zhang, Hongjuan Jiang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Catalytic amounts of sodium hydroxide as additives for iron-mediated AGET ATRP of MMA. Polym. Chem., 2011, 2, 2385-2390. 86. Jiliang Liu, Weiwei He, Lifen Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Lin Yuan, Hong Chen, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Bifunctional Nanoparticles with Fluorescence and Magnetism via Surface-Initiated AGET ATRP Mediated by an Iron Catalyst. Langmuir, 2011, 27, 12684-12692. 87. Qiang Li, Lifen Zhang, Liangjiu Bai, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Multistimuli-responsive hybrid nanoparticles with magnetic core and thermoresponsive fluorescence-labeled shell via surface-initiated RAFT polymerization. Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 6958-6966. 88. Wenjing He, Lifen Zhang, Liangjiu Bai, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Iron-mediated AGET ATRP of Methyl Methacrylate in the Presence of Catalytic Amounts of Base. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2011, 212, 1474-1480. 89. Tao Zhao, Lifen Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, A novel approach to modify poly(vinylidene fluoride) via iron-mediated atom transfer radical polymerization using activators generated by electron transfer. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2011, 49, 2315-2324. 90. Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Alumina Additives for Fast Iron-Mediated AGET ATRP of MMA Using Onium Salt as Ligand. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2011, 49, 3970-3979. 91. Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Rate-Enhanced ATRP in the Presence of Catalytic Amounts of Base: An Example of Iron-Mediated AGET ATRP of MMA. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2011, 49, 3980-3987. 92. Meixia Tao, Lifen Zhang, Hongjuan Jiang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Iron(III)-Mediated AGET ATRP of Methyl Methacrylate Using Vitamin C Sodium Salt as a Reducing Agent. Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2011, 212, 1481–1488. 93. Liangjiu Bai, Lifen Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Yingfeng Tu, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Iron-Mediated AGET ATRP of Styrene in the Presence of Catalytic Amounts of Base. Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 9283-9290. 94. Jiliang Liu, Lifen Zhang, Suping Shi, Shuai Chen, Nianchen Zhou, Zhengbiao Zhang, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, A Novel and Universal Route to SiO2-Supported Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Noble Metal Nanomaterials via Surface RAFT Polymerization. Langmuir, 2010, 26(18), 14806–14813. 95. Qiang Li, Lifen Zhang, Zhengbiao Zhang, Nianchen Zhou, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu*, Air-Tolerantly Surface-Initiated AGET ATRP Mediated by Iron Catalyst from Silica Nanoparticles. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2010, 48, 2006–2015. 96. 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